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Measuring air quality

View of the indoor climate

We hear and see it more and more often: in many places such as schools, offices, and houses, the air quality is being measured. On the one hand, to monitor how healthy the situation is, and on the other hand, to quickly respond in case of code orange or red.

Since it is not possible to see with the naked eye how clean the air is and what is being inhaled and exhaled altogether, an air quality meter is a solution if you attach importance to a healthy indoor climate.

Why measure?

We started measuring more in 2020. With increasing R-numbers in times of excessive virus transmission, the focus is, of course, on the air quality. There are even more reasons to measure the air in a room. Temperature, humidity, and CO2 determine to a large extent together how fit we feel in a space. We are more productive and have a higher concentration and resistance if the following valuables are favourable:

  • Temperature 19 – 21 degrees Celsius
  • Humidity 40 – 60 %
  • CO2 up to 800 ppm (parts per million)

What can I measure?
Besides temperature, humidity and CO2, particulate matter and oxygen levels can also be measured in a space.

How does an air quality meter work?
There are different meters on the market for both individuals and professionals. If you have decided what you exactly want to measure, then you put the device of your choice in any room to measure the air quality. After a short calibration, you will see the measured values shown on the display at a glance. Most meters can be connected to an app to know more details about the measurements.

What causes poor air quality?
Poor air quality is usually the result of inadequate ventilation, despite the presence of mechanical ventilation. That has to do with the correct setting of the installation in relation to the situation. CO2 meters give a lot of insight into peaks and throughs, both at home and at the office or school.

In practice

For example, if the house is cooked on gas, the CO2 levels quickly strike, and it is necessary to use the extractor hood properly and temporarily set the setting of the ventilation unit to 3. Burning candles and firewood also require extra ventilation to keep the air in the house healthy.

In intensively used spaces, such as classrooms where new people sit down again every 50 minutes or meeting rooms where the door finally opens again after an hour and a half of strenuously discussing the agenda, it is important to measure so that additional ventilation can be provided in time. That benefits the quality of the efforts made and contributes to the vitality of employees, pupils, and students.


Research shows that a higher air quality leads to the reduction of asthmatic and COPD related symptoms. By measuring, there is a great deal of comfort to be gained for people with these conditions. We work together with a lung specialist to gather data so that we can support medical specialists in improving health as well.

Written by Hobie
Operations Manager at Tops Luchtfilters